Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A Man Named Scoobie

(photo from

Fallout from the February 5th primary results. Scott "Scoobie" Moore has decided to step down as Knox County Commission chair after his slaughter in the Republican primary for Knox County Clerk.
Read the comments to the article. Very entertaining...

Moore resigns as County Commission chairman


deichmans said...

Let's see if I have this straight:

"Scooby" resigns, to be replaced by "Tank", who is endorsed by "Lumpy".

Sounds like "Wee Pals" meets "The West Wing"....

DF said...

LOL! That is a very good synopsis of this situation...

One commenter at KNS posted that our county commissioners sound like "The Who's Who of Saturday Morning Cartoons" if they can get Lumpy to resign and start dressing in the 2000s, not the Miami Vice 1980s ;)